Fishery Bay Road - A Disaster in the Making
Why SouthernLaunch's proposed major developments means residents, tourists and locals could all be put at risk
Do you like driving out to Fishery Bay or Whalers Way on the weekend? Or cycling on Proper Bay Road?
Is this a frequent and enjoyable trip for you and your loved ones?
If so, you should be aware that, if SouthernLaunch's major development of Whalers Way is approved, the drive out to Fishery Bay could be about to change dramatically.
By SouthernLaunch's own admission they will not be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of this unstable, unsealed road.
They conclude in their own report that the road "may require slightly more frequent grading", but give no mention of who will bear this cost! Hint - they are assuming it won't be them.
SouthernLaunch expect you to share this road with 12 semi-trailers a day, plus 56 operational vehicles, at no extra cost to themselves.
Do SouthernLaunch really think "slightly more frequent grading" will cover the additional wear and tear on this road?
Would you feel safe on the beach below these cliffs, knowing a 60 tonne semi-trailer is hurtling overhead? Especially considering a boulder has already dislodged and fallen to the beach as a direct result of SouthernLaunch's test launch campaign.
If this all sounds like madness, you are not alone! Please help us protect these fragile cliffs, the residents and locals who rely on them, and the tourists who enjoy them, so that we do not have another environmental disaster on our hands!
Anticipated Vehicles Associated With This Development:
•1400 trucks over 6 months during construction phase (12 per day)
•Launch Vehicle fuel delivery (3 per week)
•Oxidiser delivery (3 per week)
•Generator fuel delivery (1 per week)
•Septic Tank Pump Out (1 per week)
•Crane movements (3 per week)
•Launch Vehicle transport to site (1 per week)
•20 passenger cars/4WDs entering and leaving site
•40 vehicle trips per day
•4 maintenance staff cars/4WDs/small rigid trucks
•8 freight vehicle trips per day